

The website of SIA “SAFE GROUP”, registration No 40103242413, uses cookies.

You agree by using this homepage or pushing button “AGREE” that cookies used for performance enhancing/analytic in this homepage are used to improve the quality of provided services and to customize the operation of the homepage to Your service aims and needs.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is small text file that is sent to Your computer or mobile device (mobile phone, handheld PC, etc.) when You visit a website. This website stores it in Your computer or mobile device when You open the website. Every time You visit the website, cookies will be sent back to the issuer homepage or to other homepage that recognizes this cookie. Cookies work as a “memory” of the particular website enabling this site to remember Your computer or mobile device at any future visits, additionally cookies can remember Your settings (language, etc.), as well as to increase the user convenience. You can find additional information about the cookies and options to edit, manage or delete them at homepage

What types of cookies are used?

Mandatory cookies: these cookies are needed for You to navigate the website and to use its opportunities, e.g. a cookie for displaying the cookies statement.

Cookies for operational improvement: these cookies collect the information about the way users uses the website, e.g. which pages visitors employ the most or whether they receive error notifications. These cookies do not collect information that identifies the visitor. All the information collected by the cookies is stored together therefore it is anonymous. It is used only to advance the overall operation of the website (in addition to obtaining the statistical data about the number of the website’s visitors).

About Facebook and LinkedIn

Facebook and LinkedIn cookies are used to enable the website visitor to share the articles in their respective Facebook and/or LinkedIn profile. These cookies are set during the browsing session of the website.

About Google Analytics

Cookies of Google Analytics, i.e. a program produced by Google Inc., are installed in the website of SIA “SAFE GROUP”. The aim of Google Analytics cookies use is to improve the quality of the content of the website and to customize the content for the needs of the users. More information about Google Analytics terms of service can be found at the homepage

If You do not want to provide the SIA “SAFE GROUP” with information about Your activities in the website of SIA “SAFE GROUP”, You have to enable an additional tool Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on ( This additional tool interacts with Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) to indicate that the data about the particular website visit does not need to be sent to Google Analytics.

How to switch off cookies?

As You wish You can control and delete the cookies. Read more here: You can delete all the cookies that are in Your computer and a large majority of web browsers can be set to block the cookie placement in the computer. However in this case You will have to manually adjust settings every time You visit a website and, moreover, there is also a possibility that some services and functionalities may not work.